
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

BPC Foundation - Day #1

Day #1 on Blueprint Cleanse - Foundation

On Sunday I received a "welcome" email from BPC regarding the start of the cleanse and how to get off to a good start (prepare, prepare, prepare!).  I spent Sunday and Monday on a 98% vegan diet and I have to say this morning I woke up with a headache that lasted until lunch today.  I had some watermelon/kiwi and green tea for breakfast at 9am.  By 10am I was worried that my juices would not arrive in time to get them all in today if they didn't come by noon.  Luckily, I gave them until 12:30 to get here before giving in to a salad for lunch.  At 12:20 they arrived!!!!!! 

I was so excited to open the box and check them out!  Unfortunately, BPC did not send me the little cooler I was so excited to see.  But after a quick email to them, they promptly responded saying it will be here tomorrow.  Anyway, back to the juices.  I failed to realize just how heavy 18 juices would be (6 per day times 3 days).......15lbs of juice!  I quickly put them in the fridge (as instructed by my first BPC email)

But not before a quick photo op:

Juice #1 at 12:20pm - Green Juice described by BPC as "6lbs of leafy greens in one little bottle.  The cholophyll-packed green juice lowers acidity and balances your pH.  Stay alkaline.  Stay healthy"  I describe it as.........gross!  Salad in a bottle.  But gross!

Juice #2 at 1:30pm - P.A.M. or Pineapple Apple Mint described by BPC as "pineapples contain bromelain, an anti-inflammatory agent that helps fight heart disease and arthritis".  I say....sweet!  Not bad but very sweet!

Juice #3 at 3pm - Green Juice......a little easier this time.  Went down faster but still not "good"

Juice #4 at 5pm - Spicy Lemonade.  BPC calls it "cayenne pepper boasts metabolism and gets your blood pumping while lemons are a natural expectorant, full of antioxidants and highly alkalizing.  That's hot."  My take on the spicy lemonade......sPiCy!!!!!  spicy SPICY!!!!!

Juice #5 is another green juice but I was so full from the first four being crammed into a 5 hour timespan that I chose to skip this one.  BPC advised skipping the lemonade if I was going to skip one.  I should have listened!

Juice #6 is called Cashew Milk and deemed by all review posts to be the best of the worst!  They describe this by saying "cashews contain zinc, which rebuilds the body's collagen supply and prevents wrinkling, stretch marks and other potential "body roadmaps".  My take on this's nutty and creamy and milky.  It is the best of the rest I will say!  

Quick questions answered:
  • Am I hungry?  No
  • Am I dizzy or lightheaded? Yes, but in fairness I woke up with a headache and a bit dizzy
  • Am I going to the bathroom every 20 minutes?  YES but only to pee
  • Do I feel nauseous?  Not at all
  • Do I miss "real" food?  I would like to chew something but I am not hungry so I'm not.
  • Did I cheat? Yes - I had one - yes 1 - M&M.  It's Valentine's Day people!  Have a heart!  (pun intended!)

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