
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Days of December

Can you believe December is almost upon us?  This year has literally flown by!  With the holidays right around the corner, I was starting to get a little anxiety about our plans for Christmas.  We have been in New Jersey for a year now.  Last year we spent Christmas Eve with my sister and brother-in-law and his family.  On Christmas day we spent the whole day just having fun with Cooper's new toys and each other. I made a nice dinner and we both had a very relaxing, nice day.  But something was missing.

It was the first year in my thirty years that I had not spent with my parents on Christmas day.  We called and spoke to everyone over the phone, but it wasn't the same.  When we lived in Florida, my parents and grandparents would all brave the early hour and come to our house (coffee in hand) to see Cooper open his presents.  We would have breakfast there and then all gather at my parents for dinner later in the day. Even the presence of their crazy neighbor Kate became a Christmas tradition.

So spending the day alone - or just the two of us I should say - was somewhat sobering to me.  And after speaking to my mom and hearing the tears in her voice, I knew she didn't particularly like it either!  When I thought about the impending holidays this year, I became a little depressed.  I did not want a repeat of last season's air of sadness on a day that, in my childhood, was always one of the best days of the year!   (Insert "mom guilt" here!)

After speaking to my mom and grandma this week it was unanimously decided that we would fly "home" for Christmas this year.  The irony of that sentence is amazing.  I moved back to the Northeast to be closer to home, only to discover that home really is where your heart (family) is!

December is going to be a busy but fun month for us this year!   The first weekend we will be venturing back to Coudersport for our annual family Christmas celebration that just happens to revolve around the opening days of hunting season!  The second weekend we will be traveling to the Boston area to meet and cuddle the newest, cutest and most miraculous little Lucas!  And finally, from the 22nd through the 29th will be back in Sebastian, FL for a wonderful Christmas with our family!

Like I said, we will be busy, but it will be fun!  Did I mention I will be in Seattle November 29 - 31st?  Lots of traveling in my near future!

*In other news: Cooper is reading the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book and can get through most of it without even asking me what the words mean.  He just showed me a page of his self-assigned homework where he wrote out a summary of what he had read so far.  He then asked me if he could do his "homework" in YzKidz instead of playing on Monday.  I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor.  He continues to impress and amaze me on a daily basis!  

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