
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weight Watchers.......again

Yep, you heard me.  I'm back on Weight Watchers.  Ironically it took a weekend of complete binging to push me over the top (of the scale).  So let me just start with this.........


Urgh!  My ideal weight would be 124-125 so as you can see I have a lot of work to do!  To add insult to fat injury - literally - I have a pulled/torn muscle to contend with while exercising too.  So it's not going to be easy!

Why Weight Watchers?  I'll tell you why!  My mom and grandma both lost enough to become lifetime members using Weight Watchers about 10-12 years ago.  Throughout the years I have tried almost every single diet fad that is out there.  Just to name a few: Flat Belly Diet, Atkins, Durkan Diet, Low Calorie, tracking everything on Livestrong and I'm sure many others I cannot remember!  Not one of these diets can compare to the easy and obvious results that Weight Watchers provides.

In 2003, my girfriend {D} and I joined the meetings in New Jersey and we loved it!  I lost 12lbs in 7 weeks and I was so happy with the results and the flexibility.  Then after having Cooper in 2005, I re-joined the new online Weight Watchers program.  The online tools and tracking were ideal for me since I couldn't really get to meetings with an infant in tow.  With the help of Weight Watchers (and to be honest a heaping pile of new mommy stress), I lost the 25lbs I gained during pregnancy AND 27lbs of pure fat!

For those of you who aren't familiar with the program, it is very simplistic.  You track every bite that goes into your mouth.  Each food has a "point" value.  The program has recently changed from calculating points based on calories, fat and fiber to using the fat, carbs, fiber and protein amounts in any given food.  This new plan encourages followers to eat more "clean" foods - fruits, vegetables, lean protein, etc - rather than 100 calorie snacks!

The main factor that I LOVE about Weight Watchers is the flexibility.  Since I began the program I have always been allowed "flex points" or bonus points for the week.  I think the flexibility allows me to know I can have a cheat night if I need to or enjoy a business dinner out when necessary.  You simply have to track what you eat and account for every single bite.

In addition, you can earn more points by exercising.  So a 45 minute workout can earn you enough points for a cupcake for example.  I try not to use the activity points, but let's be honest, I love chocolate!

So I am back on the weight loss band wagon.  Again!   It is frustrating and it is difficult but as Kate Moss said (and I repeat daily) "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"

Please encourage me on my journey to find the skinny Casey within!  I need all the support I can get!

Update 10-13-11
Week #1 Weigh In:
Net loss: 2.8lbs

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