
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Random Recap

It seems like there is so much going on lately!  So here is a random recap on all things "Casey":

WORK is finally busy, busy, busy which I love!  The days have been flying by which is a nice change from the days when I would be bored, look at the clock and it was 9:32AM!  If you don't know what I do for a living, I sell oranges to Walmart.  Literally!  So please, this is a shameless plug for my job: GO BUY ORANGES (or Clementines or Minneolas) at Walmart.  Don't worry, I won't blame you if you hate shopping at Walmart - so do I!  In fact, the only time I do shop at Wally World is when I am doing "store checks" for work.  A "store check" is a fancy term for "I'm bored and going to drive 30 minutes to the nearest Walmart so I can wander aimlessly and maybe while I'm there I will wander into the produce department and scope out the competition"  But if you can, please go buy lots and lots of Clementines this summer at your local Walmart and report back to me on the brand (name on the bag), flavor and price.  I don't really care but you can tell me anyway!  haha

RUNNING has been going really well!  I have been running 4-5 times a week which has been really refreshing.  I'm actually desperate to get running every other day.  I am so excited to be able to run outside more when Coop is away!   Unfortunately though on Sunday after my run at Kelly's I came back and had a very sore inner-thigh muscle.  It wasn't bad but it was uncomfortable.  On Monday it was still sore so instead of running I did the "Climb the Hills" thing on the treadmill.  Then yesterday I ran a very nice, fast (for me), fluid 2.25 miles!  When I was done I actually had time to do a proper cool down walk and then I left the gym to get Coop from Summer Camp.  In the 9 minute drive from the gym to summer camp something bad happened because when I opened the door to get out of the car I could barely move my left leg.  Then, trying to stand on said leg, was nearly impossible!  I was in tears by the time we got home!   So, needless to say, I am going to let that heal a bit before running again.  But I can't wait to RUN!  It is such a refreshing change from my usual lazy attitude!  

VACATION is only two days away!  Somehow this year my sister quickly and quietly convinced me to pay an astronomical amount to go in on a "shore house" with her.  Someone needs to please explain to me why the beach is the "shore" in Jersey.  It's a beach house anywhere else in the world and it's a beach vacation and it's called "going to the beach".  But here in the lovely Garden State it's all about "going down the shore"!  Anyway, we have a "shore" house from Saturday to Saturday and I am a 50/50 mix of excited and anxious.  I'm excited to get a week long vacation on the beach!  I'm anxious because my brother-in-law's entire extended, gi-normous family is also going to be "down the shore" for that week.  They are big, they are loud, they love to drink and more than anything - there are SO many of them.  I can't even tell you how many people will be there.  In Kevin's immediate family alone there is 11 adults and 5-6 kids.  I'll try to do a head count at one point during the week so I can report back on just how ridiculously over populated this family is!  In addition to the obvious anxiety that many people would cause, I am also getting very nervous about letting Coop leave me for a month.  Immediately upon our return he is going to head north and leave me in his dust!  So I'm going to try to suck up every single second of his time while we're on vacation.  I think my niece will be competing with me for his time but I'm bigger and I will take her down!  He's MY baby!  

COOPER is such an amazing little bundle of perfectness!  I am shocked each and every day to realize that it IS possible to love him more!  I look back over the last 6 1/2 years with him in my life and I just cannot believe it!  It sounds so cliche (and gay!) but he makes me ME!  I love it!  I see so much of myself in  him!  From his insanely annoying sense of worry and hypochondria to his overly generous and loving inherent nature.  He is so kind and gentle with the kids at school or at camp whom he views as scared or less privileged or sad.  I've seen him take a kid under his wing and try to distract him while their mom slips out the door quietly to avoid a crying scene.  He is very aware of other people's emotions - almost to a fault!  He is also extremely dramatic!  If he gets the tiniest scrape on his finger he will go on and on about how his finger hurts and he needs to be "extra careful" because he doesn't want to hurt his injury!  It cracks me up!  Coop is also a born performer!  He has been a sucker for an audience since he was an infant!  If he has even one witness he will start a "routine".  I often find myself saying "stop performing" or "don't talk to strangers" because he has no shame!  I hope that isn't a subliminal sign that he is desperate for my attention and that, as a single parent, he is acting out in hopes of being the focus of my attention!  I'm sure a psychologist would have a similar perspective but in reality, I think he just likes to be the center of attention!  Probably because he is - and always will be - the center of my whole world!  What am I going to do without him for a MONTH?  Have I asked that yet?  

There is a short recap on what's been going on with me.  I will try to get back to more interesting posts soon!  Until then...........

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